more about me!
Born and raised in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, I began dancing at age 4
and instantly fell in love with performing. I found theatre at age 10, playing Cinderella in "Cinderella Jr", and it was then that I felt that I had found both my place and my people. A year later I started attending a Fine Arts School in Fort Worth, TX. By 14, I started working professionally in the adult ensemble of shows at Casa Mañana, leading to me working in various equity houses in DFW alongside Broadway professionals throughout all of High School. My Junior year I made my MUNY debut in Footloose, directed by Christian Borle. Having the privilege to work alongside various professionals growing up fostered my growth in this art forms in many ways, something I am forever thankful for. The ability to tell stories to impact people for the better is such a powerful tool in our society and that is why I love theatre – both as a performing artist and an audience member. I am now a Senior at Rider University, pursing a BFA in Musical Theatre and minor in Sustainability Studies and am based out of NYC!
In addition to theater, I have a deep love and respect for the earth. Environmentalism became a huge passion of mine my sophomore year of college, and I took a job on campus as an Eco Representative. My job as an Eco-Rep is to educate my peers about the importance of sustainability and saving the planet and collaborate on creating events to promote sustainability. As someone who is lucky enough to have the privilege to live a more sustainable life I choose to eat plant-based, have reusable items on me, try to live as plastic free as possible, and have geared my education to learning more about environmentalism by minoring in Sustainability Studies